Look! A crappy page!
Well, for now, it's pretty bad. But, as we have nothing better to do with our lives, Action Figure Nita and I will be doing a lot of work on this site in the coming days and weeks. Right now, this is what we have done:
- Action Figure Nita--All about Action Figure Nita, as told by Chlorine Girl.
- Chlorine Girl--All about Chlorine Girl, as told by Action Figure Nita.
- Math Jokes--If you think it's more interesting to watch the teacher break the chalk or misspell "four" than it is to learn trig, you're a lot like us.
- Chemistry Tips--If you're not doing well in your Chemistry class, you may be able to receive extra credit for impressing your teacher by making a new kind of cleaner. Simply mix ammonia and bleach and clean all ventilation systems well.
- Newts!!--Join the ever growing ranks of Newt activists.
- The "Story"--Read all about the fun Action Figure Nita and Chlorine Girl have with a harem of male slaves.
Here are just a few of the twisted things that we're planning to bring to you:
- Newt Store--We breed our own newts. You should, too. If you can't, then come and buy some of ours.
- Chemistry Songs--Memorize the theme song to Action Figure Nita's TV show---the Benzene song!!
- Red Light District American Girl--Tammi is 9 and she has breast implants and bleached blonde hair and she supports her family by having sold herself into prostitution!
- Bad Cybersex--Cybersex has become a part of culture on the internet. Here's how to be really bad at it. If you want your mate to mysteriously disappear, here's what to do.
- How to Read Imaginary Graphs--In math, you learn about imaginary roots and imaginary numbers. These can be seen only on imaginary graphs. We'll teach you how to read and interpret them.
So come back soon and see if we actually did anything.
I am a nosy idiot and I have nothing better to do with my life, so I want to read your guestbook.
I seek to establish myself as one of the great ones, and I will submit to Action Figure Nita and her sidekick, Chlorine Girl. I vow to be Nita's eternal slave and to lick her boot.
November 3, 1998
Chlorine Girl