Tin, the fiftieth element, is a common metal that was known to ancients. A
members of the carbon group, it has an atomic mass of 118.710, and a density of
7.31 g/cm cubed. Its electron levels are 2-8-18-18-4, and has valences of +4 and
+2. Sn melts at 231.97 degrees C, and boils at 2602.85 degrees C. It is used to
electroplate steel cans, staples, and pins. It is a component of solder, bronze,
and pewter. Naturat tin consists of 9 stable isotopes. If exposed to tempreatures
below 13.2 degrees C, if turns from white to gray. At low temperatures, tin alloyed with
niobium is superconductive.
May 21, 1997
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