My nest of bitchiness...

Well, here you are. I can't imaging why anyone would, while sifting through my site, come to a box of wrath on purpose. Anyway, I really don't feel like talking to you, so I think I'll just bitch about things that annoy me.

Riemann Sums

Oooooh... if you've ever taken any math past trig, you know what these things are. You might also have a teacher like mine who likes to express absolutely everything as a Riemann sum. "Okay, class, what's six times eight? 48? How can we write that as a Riemann sum?" It absolutely grates on my nerves... integrals make fifty thousand times more sense than these, but of course you can't do that if it's a series. (Or can you? I haven't been understanding math too well lately...) I'd absolutely love to get through a week without hearing these stupid things mentioned...

The Backstreet Boys

Let me explain something. When I refer to "The Backstreet Boys," I may be referring to them or any of the other groups that are exactly like them such as N'Sync, Five, etc. The ones that have a whole bunch of 20ish boys (and they are boys, not men) who sing melodramatic, choreographed, meaningless bullshit that makes thirteen year old girls instantly fall in love with them. They're like miniature fraternities. "Yeah, I'm in the Backstreet Boys' fraternity. My frat brothers and I, we like to take our shirts off and dance around together on stage because it makes us feel so cool..." And to any and all fans of theirs---yes, when they sing their songs and talk about how much they love you, they're talking to you personally. They know all about you and read all of your letters and they only go on tour as an excuse to come and see you. Fine, go on believing that all of your life. Yeah, all that'll happen when Bill Clinton gets a blowjob from me personally, and I'm not planning an internship at the White House.


"Uh, hi, I'm 14 and I'm a virgin and I think I have a sexually transmitted disease." "I'm 17 and I'm pregnant for the fifth time and I don't know who the father is." "Oh, Adam, you are so great, can you please ask me who sexually abused me when I was a child?" If you've ever listened to the radio program "Loveline" (which has also been aired on Mtv for the past couple years, but it was on the radio for much longer), then you've heard all of these things entirely too many times. If I hear that asshole say "Get an abortion." or "Turn Drew's mike off." one more time, I'll bite him...

Overenthusiastic Homosexuals

Before I get bitten myself, by that I don't mean that I hate gays. I'm sick and tired of being told that I'm homophobic, because I'm not. What I hate is when someone tells you, out of the middle of nowhere and for no apparent reason, that he/she is gay and expects you to care. Especially when you don't know that person. It's like "Hi! My name's Jack. I'm 24 and I found your website because I was bored. Oh, and I'm gay." I'm exaggerating, but I do get emails remotely like that. And then they get all offended when you write back and say "I don't give a royal fuck that you're gay. Leave me alone." as if you're offended that they ARE gay, rather than because they tell you that they're gay. Let me emphasize that I'm not complaining about people you know, like your friends and stuff, who are being open about their sexuality or whatever. That's fine and dandy. I just don't see the need to discuss it at every possible moment. Straight people don't say "Hi, I'm Robert, I'm a computer programmer, and by the way, I'm straight." and expect you to be all kind and pleasant about it. Why should I behave differently if someone's gay?

Waitressing Pet Peeves

Having spent the summer of 1999 waiting tables, I've developed a huge respect for all of the hardworking servers out there. There are a few big things that have really pissed me off, though, and here are some pieces of advice for those of you who are planning on dining out. Please be nice to your server -- he/she does a hell of a lot more than you think, and also is paid a lot less than you think. Here are some of the major points.

More complaints coming soon.
