Nerdity and You
Well, I already know that you're a nerd. Yes, you are, so just shut up. If you weren't a nerd, you wouldn't be surfing the net looking at my page right now. Okay, now you at least know that you're a nerd. But, have you ever wondered about what kind of nerd you are? Now you can find out! Here's a synopsis of every type of nerd I can think of.
Note: Many people, including myself, are more than one kind of nerd.
Latin Nerds
- Would be willing to have untranslated Catullus tattooed up and down their legs
- Are not embarassed to be seen in togas
- Consider the writings of Ovid to be erotica
- Know the root words of all of the physics terms you ever learned
- Can list dozens of stupid reasons why Latin is actually useful
- Interestingly enough, in my experience at least, the majority of them are blonde
Math Nerds
- Know the value of p to at least 25 digits
- Can calculate more values of p if needed
- Learned calculus by age 15
- Actually like calculus
- Can't balance their checkbooks because they look for something to differentiate
- Can remember how to do that thing with the e and the d that I've forgotten how to do...
Science Nerds
There are a few types of science nerds, so I'm going to have to divide it up a bit...
Biology Nerds
- Are excited by lectures on DNA replication
- Can differentiate between DNA nucleotides and RNA nucleotides by looking at the chemical structure (they're very similar)
- When discussing sex, are very often really discussing meiotic divisions rather than intercourse
- Can explain how the allosteric site of an enzyme is used
- Will tell you that it's healthier to drink urine than to kiss someone
- Include the author of this site
Chemistry Nerds
- Can use electronegativity as a metaphor for sexual attractions
- Are some of your more typical nerds--you're most likely to find your chemistry nerds wearing lab aprons/coats and watching a beaker boil over a Bunsen burner
- When told that your birthday is August 31, they automatically think "8/31... that's like 8.315, one of the gas constants..." Same with August 21, actually... .0821 is another gas constant.
- Will kill you for accidently saying that a neutron is negatively charged
- Expect everyone to know the atomic mass of oxygen off the top of their heads
- Include the author of this site
Physics Nerds
- Actually know, unlike most of my high school physics class, that velocity is the derivative of position and acceleration is the derivative of velocity
- For this reason, many physics nerds are also math nerds
- Tend to be more "scraggly" than the chemistry nerds... for example, if you're dating a chemistry nerd, he/she will tend to bathe daily, comb his/her hair, pay attention to the surroundings, etc. A physics nerd, on the other hand, often forgets many of these things. Take a look at pictures of Einstein if you don't believe me.
- Actually give a fuck about coefficients of friction
- Think situations with no acceleration are "neat!" (In my experience, they always use that word.)
Computer Nerds
- Can program in several different computer languages
- Are active players in at least 4 RPGs
- Are male, between the ages of 11 and 19
- Look like Bill Gates
- Own a TI-86, and they've written all of the programs they have on there, of course
- Have subscriptions to all of those PC magazines
Star Trek Nerds
- Can recite all of the TNG, DS9, and Voyager episodes in which characters from other shows have appeared
- Refuse to let you to call the space station "Deep Space Nine." It's supposed to be "Tarak Nor," the Cardassian name for it.
- Are planning to take a vacation to Risa after completing their first year at the Starfleet Academy
- Males: think Uhura/Troi/Dax/Kes (depending on which series he prefers) is the sexiest woman in the world
- Females: think Kirk/Wesley/Jake/Paris (depending on which series she prefers) is the sexiest man in the world.
Athletic Nerds
- Are blonde, but don't take Latin
- Are on the varsity soccer and softball/baseball teams at the same time, yet their grade point averages never drop below 4.0
- Have never had a zit in their lives
- Never gain a pound
- Inevitably have SAT scores of 1600
- Have been accepted into several Ivy League schools
- Have been offered every possible scholarship, no matter how irrelevant. "Young man, even though you're a rich white boy, we've decided to award you $10,000 that we've set aside for hispanic women from low-income households because you look so cute in your football jersey."
- If male: Always date cheerleaders
- If female: Always date football players
- Note: There's a fine line between an athetic nerd and a jock. The difference is that the athletic nerds are smart, while the jocks are struggling through Algebra 1 when sophomores.
Reject Nerds
- Very shy and quiet
- Tend to come off as slackers or punks
- Have secret laboratories in their basements
- Are almost complete loners. While other groups of nerds will associate in their nerd cliques, the reject nerds just stay in their basements and perform bizarre experiments involving electricity.
- High suicide rate
More coming soon... there are so many types of nerds, but there are also only so many hours in the day.