You're listening to Cherub Rock
Amusing, Interesting, or Otherwise Fun Links
- you just for having a little viewbar thingie on the screen.
- Badger's Animated Gif Gallery--The cutest animations...
Beavis and Butthead Do Web
- Biblical Indecency for the Theologically Correct--A truly awesome site. The author presents a wonderful argument against the conservative Christians who oppose free speech on the internet. Also some very interesting email from irate freaks.
- Chris Jolly UK--Okay, so the title really doesn't tell you much about the site. It's cool, though, you should go. (When you're done looking at my site, of course.)
College Entrance Exam--This is what you'll need to know if you want to be a football player.
The Complete Collection of Men Jokes
- Cool Card Trick--Let me tell you, this is absolutely AWESOME. (I figured out the trick in about 10 minutes, but before you get it, you won't believe it.) The site gives you six cards, you pick one (but don't tell or even give the puter any clues as to which on it is), select a card to discard, and your card is always missing. Really, go see this, it rocks...
- Elemental Personality Assessment--I am absolutely into online personality tests, and I've literally taken hundreds, but let me tell you, this one is the best. You know the four ancient elements, earth, air, fire, and water? You answer the questions (a whole bunch of them; and they're interesting and obscure rather than the repetitive stuff that's on so many other tests) and it tells you which you're most like, as well as which astrological sign you're most like. This was especially interesting to me, because it told me that I'm a fire and I was overwhelmingly an aries and least a virgo, even though I was born under the sign of virgo. This is also useful if you're trying to do that witchy elemental coven thing, when you're getting 4 people together and trying to get one to represent each element... anyway, it's an awesome test regardless. Take it. All of my links rock.
- Extend-A-Story--Maybe this is just me, but instead of falling for all of this graphics-based mudding, I still go for the old fashioned text-based adventure games. A simpler version of these is the choose your own adventure game, of which this is one. When you play this one, you get to add onto it... it's really cool, I'm in it in some places.:)
- The Gallery
of the Absurd--These are some of the stupidest advertisements. You've seen some of these things, ("If you don't believe it works, ring my doorbell and smell my toilet.") and you haven't seen others. This one is definitely worth a visit if you've got some time...
- Helly Jelly--The world's favorite jelly bean!
Love and Marriage--A little advice from the experts.... who happen to be between 5 and 10 years old.
- No Ma'am--An anti-woman site...
The Online Book of Genesis--How did God create the earth? :)
Piercing Mildred--This is the safe way to get pierced, tattooed, and scarred.
Random Food Generator
- Rules
- Gal Rules--The unspoken rules set by females.
- Guy Rules--The unspoken rules set by males.
Smart-aleck E-mail
Top Signs You're Addicted to the Net--And I thought it was scary when I accidentally started taking notes in HTML...
- you're willing to deal with a tiny little ad box on your computer screen, and you've seen tons of ads anyway, this site'll pay you quite a bit for it. Seriously, it's way worth it, take a look, you'll be glad you did. Then you can forget about it. :)
- Venus Shop--For only $19.99 plus tax and shipping and handling, you, too, can own 2,000 acres of property on Venus!
- Ways to Annoy your Roomate--over 500 of them.
- West Virginia Residency Application
What's in YOUR Name?--A little insight on your name. Based on numerology.

Serious Links
Gilpo's How To Make Links--And everything else.
- Greenpeace
- Horoscopes--This is a place that does your natal chart for free, and the horoscopes are some of the best I've ever seen.
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- SilverSage: The Outrageous Herb Lady

Anti-McDonalds Sites
Feedback Survey--McDonalds' feedback survey.... tell them what you REALLY think.
- I Hate McDonald's Page
- McDonald's Official Site--Go here to get some info directly from the source. You'll find stupid "reload and match up the pictures" games and other equally valuable information.
Nutrition Information--We all know that the food is garbage.... if you want more specific information on this, here's your source.
What's Wrong with McDonald's?
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