
Selenium, element #34, is a nonmetal with an atomic mass of 78.96 amu, a density of 4.79 g/cm cubed. and electron levels of 2-8-18-6. It is a member of the oxygen group, with valences of -4, 2, and 6. Se was discovered in 1817 by Jons Berzelius of Sweden. Se melts at 220.85 degrees C, and 684.85 degrees C. Se is used by the body to convert fats and protein into energy. Exposure to the dust or concentrated mist of selenium can irritate the nose, throat, and bronchial tubes, can make breathing difficult, cause lung irritation, and headaches.

Se is a black, gray, or red odorless solid. It is used in the manufacture of electrodes and as a pigment for ruby glass, paints, and dyes.

June 19, 1997

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