
Chromium, element #24, has an atomic mass of 51.996 amu, a density of 7.19 g/cm cubed, and electron levels of 2-8-13-1. It has valences of +3, 6, and 2, and is a member of group 6B. Cr was discovered in 1797 by Louis Vaquelin of France. It melts at 1856.85 degrees C, and boils at 2671.85 degrees C. Cr compounds are used in tanning leather, plating car bumpers, makins stainless steel, and is a compinent in fungicides and paint. When alloyed with molybdenum, Cr and its compounds can be carcinogenic. Cr can cause lung allergy, "metal fume fever", and can irritate the eyes. Cr is a steel gray, lustrous metal, often found as a powder. It can be used to greatly increase the durability and resistance of metals.
June 18, 1997

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