
Cesium, element #55, has an atomic mass of 132.9054 amu and a density of only 1.873 g/cm cubed. Cesium's electron levels are 2-8-18-18-8-1, and is an alkali metal, therefore having a valence of +1. Cs was discovered in 1860 by R. Bunsen and Gustav Kirchoff of Germany. Cs melts at a mere 28.39 degrees C, about the temperature of a hot day. It boils at 670.85 degrees C. A radioactive isotope of Cs was released from the Chernobyl accident, and European produce can contain radioactive cesium rather than potassium, as the plant cannot differentiate between the two. Cs can be used to detect very weak light because of its rapid ionization when exposed to heat or light. It is also considered a possible basis for a propulsion system. Cs is the most electropositive and alkaline of all the elements, and reacts explosively with cold water.
June 18, 1997

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